Terms of Service

The content of these terms of service ("terms of service") is applicable to Darad Innovation Corporation’s website located at www.besv.com ("this website"). This website is the property of Darad Innovation Corporation ("this company") and its authorized users. If you use this website, you shall be considered to have agreed to the content of these terms of service and be willing to abide by them. If you disagree with the content of these terms of service, or the country or area in which you live has annulled the content of these terms of service, either in part or in whole, you must immediately leave this website.

1. Intellectual property rights

Intellectual property rights to all content of this website (including but not limited to text, explanations, pictures, images, graphics, files, audio, music, marks, art, page design, website composition, and design) are the property of this company, and are subject to protection from the Copyright, Patent and Trademark Act, other intellectual property right laws, and the Fair Trade Act. The content of this website, either in part or in whole may not be used, modified, reproduced, publicly broadcast, publicly transmitted, publicly displayed, altered, disseminated, issued, translated, publicly announced, reverse engineered, decoded, reverse assembled, or distributed by any method to other computers, service, websites, relevant publication media, or any third party without this company's prior written consent.

2. Entered content risk and pledge

If you use any service provided by this website, and voluntarily enter any information connected with that service, you must guarantee the truthfulness of such entered information, and must be willing to bear all responsibility for any falsehood or error. This company will not review such content in advance, and does not guarantee its reliability, correctness, or integrity. You must pledge that you will not take advantage of entered content or information to use this website for any illegal purpose or by any illegal method. You must also pledge to uphold relevant legal requirements and all international Internet use conventions.

You must agree that this company may notify you and terminate all or some of these services provided by this website at any time based on its considerations or a belief that you have violated any of the requirements of these terms of service. In such a case, all content that you have entered on this website will be promptly deleted. You may not request any compensation for damages, and this company shall not bear any responsibility to you or any third party.

3. Prohibited uses

Apart from upholding these terms of service when using this website, you must also agree to abide to the following when using this website and its content:

You may not use any brand, mark, string, graphic, trademark (regardless of whether it has been registered), or other element referring to this company, or any general element constituting part of this website's impression in any other website or other creative work.
You may not use this website or its content for any purpose that is illegal, harmful, threatening, cruel, harassing, of the nature of stalking, untruthful, slanderous, crude, obscene, vilifying, intrusive to others' privacy, vengeful, racist or supremacist, non-objective, or adult in nature.

You may not collect, process, use, delete, or store the content of this website or any personal information.
You may not use this website in a way that may cause this company's servers or network connections damage, interruption, excessive load, or malfunction. You may not fail to uphold any requirements, procedures, policies, or rules when this website is online, and may not use this website in an obstructive manner.

You may not attempt to gain unauthorized access to this website and its content, other accounts, or the computer system, or connect to this company's servers or data networks, via intrusion, password theft, or any other method, and may not obtain or attempt to obtain any data or information via any method not intended by this website.

You may not violate local, state/provincial, national/area, foreign or international laws, regulations, rules, statutes, treaties, or other laws.

4. Disclaimer

You must bear all risk when using this website. This company does not guarantee that this website, its content, services, or functions are free from error or interruption, and does not guarantee that all defects will be corrected, or that you will enjoy specific results from use of this website. This company provides all downloaded documents and other data obtained through use of this website "as is," and does not guarantee that they are free of viruses, malware, or other harmful attributes. This company hereby declares that has not made any implied or suggested guarantees, including guarantees concerning the correctness of all content, no violation of rights, and the marketability and applicability of specific products. To avoid suffering losses, before making any downloads, you must assess and judge the appropriateness, effectiveness, correctness, and integrity of the aforementioned software and data, and whether it violates the rights of any other parties; this company shall bear no responsibility for compensation of any losses suffered as a result.

This company retains the right to specify general measures and restrictions concerning this website. If any communications data or other content stored or transmitted by this website is deleted or not stored, you must agree that this website shall not bear any responsibility. In view of website management and maintenance needs, this website shall have the right to not retain data, and shall not be obligated to notify you in such an event.

If you use any links to other websites provided on this website, you will leave this website. This company has not reviewed any of these linked websites, and does not bear responsibility for these websites or their content. As a consequence, this company does not endorse or provide any guarantee regarding the information, software, or other products of data on such websites or the results that may be obtained through using such websites. You must bear all risk if you link to such other websites.

5. Compensation

If you violate these terms of service, other legal requirements, or violate the rights of a third party, and suffer a demand for compensation or prosecution as a consequence, you must agree that this company and its affiliates, managers, agents, employees, service or content providers, distributors, and vendors shall be free from all ensuing legal responsibility, and must agree to provide compensation for all losses, damages, liabilities, and expenses (including reasonable attorney expenses and legal costs) suffered as a result thereof.

6. Limits on liability

You clearly understand and agree that this company and its subsidiaries, affiliates, managers, employees, agents, and distributors shall not bear any responsibility for any direct, indirect, subordinate, special, derivative, or punitive damages that you may suffer, including but not limited to loss of profit, goodwill, or use, data damage, or other intangible losses due to the following circumstances (even if this company has been notified that such damages may occur): (i) use or inability to use this website; (ii) purchase cost of alternative products or services; (iii) unauthorized access by a third party or modification of your personal information; (iv) any statement or action made by a third party concerning this website; or (v) any other circumstance connected with this website. If, due to other regulations, this company must bear responsibility for losses suffered when you link to or use this website, this company's damage compensation liability shall not exceed US$100.

7. General terms

You may not violate any applicable laws or regulations, or use, export, or re-export this website's content, or copy or site this website's content.

If a court or other judicial agency with jurisdiction determines that any articles of these terms of service are invalid or cannot be enforced, the article in question shall be restricted or deleted to the smallest possible degree, and shall be replaced by a valid article consistent with the intent of these terms of service, in order to ensure that these terms of service are still fully valid and enforceable. Any failure on the part of this company to enforce these terms of service shall not be construed as the relinquishment of any requirements or the right to enforce these terms of service. These terms of service may not be interpreted as or become the basis for any other person's claim of rights or redress.

8. Revision of terms of service

This company may revise these terms of surface in view of relevant legal requirements and actual needs. To maintain your website use rights and interests, this company shall provide notification of any revision of these terms of service on this website.

9. Proper law and dispute resolution

If a dispute occurs due to your use of this website, both parties shall strive to resolve the issue through negotiations. This negotiation fails, you must agree to take the law of Taiwan as the proper law, and agree that the Law Governing the Application of Laws to Civil Matters Involving Foreign Elements shall not be applicable. You must also agree that the Taiwan Taipei District Court shall be the sole or exclusive court of first instance.

If you have any questions concerning this website's terms of service, please contact this company by e-mail or telephone.

Contact Us


  • 167 Shan-ying Road, Guishan, Taoyuan 333, Taiwan, ROC.
  • Tel: +886 3 250 8800
  • Fax: +886 3 350 9542
  • E-Mail: info@besv.com

BESV America

BESV Europe B.V

BESV China

  • 398Zhu Yuan Road, MuDu
    Town Wu Zhong District,
  • Tel: +86 512 66518800
  • Fax: +86 512 66367763
  • E-Mail: Info@besv.com