BESV | BESV signed with Estavana Polman<br>‘For distances, the e-bike is an energetic solution’ </br>

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Jun 13, 2016

BESV signed with Estavana Polman
‘For distances, the e-bike is an energetic solution’

The e-bike brand BESV has signed with international handball player Estavana Polman, to convey the distinguish characters of BESV e-bikes. Andy SU, CEO of BESV has deliberately chosen for Polman: ‘We want more people to see the e-bike as an energetic alternative for motorized vehicles. Estavana, a top athlete, supports our vision and wants to share it with everyone. She is doing this on her active characteristic and friendly way!’ 

Estavana Polman is a beautiful, energetic and smart athlete, who is rapidly getting famous in publicity. She appeals to a new generation with her fresh appearance. BESV is a life style brand and represents Beautiful, Eco-friendly and Smart. These values perfectly match the personality of Estavana.

Relax with Fresh air

Estavana is enthusiastic for BESV e-bike: "I love to cycle. It is a good time for me to refresh my mind. When the distance is longer, I will try to take a car instead of a bike. But an e-bike is the perfect solution. I can breathe fresh air, exercise and easy to arrive the destination. I can highly recommend: Leave your car or scooter at home and start e-biking. Ride on a BESV because it’s amazing and you look stylish! 

Brand Awareness

The cooperation with Estavana will be reflected in various ways. In the beginning, she will be seen in marketing materials of BESV and advertisements in media. Besides, Estavana will attend various events for BESV. ‘We think it is important to generate more brand awareness for BESV from major audiences. Estavana will help us to achieve our goals. Not only communicating with consumers in magazines, internet and social media, but also at the bike dealer shops,’ said Andy Su.

Gold Medal

Estavana Polman is going to travel to the Olympics in Rio together with Dutch Handball Team. She wants to continue the success of the World Championship 2015 where they won the Silver medal. She has only one goal in Brazil: Win the gold medal.

In December, Estavana will join the European Handball Championship in Sweden with the National Team.

BESV accompany with Estavana to relax after heavy workouts by comfortable cycling on her white BESV CF1. ‘We help Estavana to achieve her goal to win the gold medal.’ said Andy Su. ‘And also she helps us to increase brand awareness and we can achieve our ‘golden targets’. 


Estavana Polman: ‘I can recommend this to everyone. Leave your car or


scooter at home and start e-biking!’ 




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